Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Just in time for football bowl season. Sorta.

I got a blender, so that's how I mix this up. At my place, my roommate is allergic to onion, so I can't make anything with it. Or even have it in the kitchen area.

So into the blender go:
1/4 cup of olive oil

4 diced green tomatoes or tomatillos.

10 diced cascabel chiles... (you can cheat and find the mexican section of your market for the canned ortega diced chiles)

4 bay leaves (chopped up fine)

2 tablespoons of chicken stock (broth, use a bullion cube if you have to)

3 finely chopped garlic cloves. Num num.

1 or 2 red tomatoes, diced nicely.

Thyme. A pinch or more.

Oregano. A pinch or more.

1 branch of Rosemary.

some salt & some pepper.

This usually fills my blender, i start with the oil & garlic at the bottom. and then pile everything else in.

Blend, blend, blend! Not till it's creamy tho...

Pour it into a sauce pot on medium heat. I take the blender and fill it 1/4 full of water and add a squeeze of lime juice to it. Then hit blend once more to get all the green goodness off the sides.

Pour that in the sauce pot and simmer it down till it's as thick as you like it to be.

I recommend chilling it before serving it, but it can be let back down to room temperature. Colder is better. Gives a fresh crispness to it.

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