Tuesday, June 25, 2019

More Bacon! And Feta!

It's the fact I'm not being a reclusive shut in mouse potato looking for work and suffering from depression. Also, my job keeps me on my feet forty plus hours a week, this and two sets of insoles in the last 3 months have a lot to do with it, but I've only noticed the weight loss in the last 4 weeks.

And I'm eating sane. Well, sane for a Bachelor. We're going through about 20 pounds of meat a weekend for 3 people, so you do the math on the amount we're consuming...

But that's not what this blog is about. It's about food done right, to Bachelor standards.

In response to a challenge, I decided to come up with something combining Beer, Bacon, and Cheese.

I've had deep fried mozzarella from cheap establishments, expensive establishments, and of course, every so often bacon comes into play.

The argument went:
"Everything's better with Bacon."
"Everything's better with Feta."

"Why not both?"

Enter - Beer Battered Bacon Wrapped Feta.

Find a brick of Feta cheese, cut into 1/2 inch sticks. Maybe 3/4 inch depending on your tastes and the size of your appetite / initial block of Feta.

Wrap in bacon, be sure to tuck the ends and work gingerly, Feta loves to crumble if you're not careful. You may have to cut your bacon strips to the right length to make easy wraps. You may not. Don't be afraid to double-wrap it.

Your batter mix consists of:
3/4 cup of all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper.
1 bottle of your favorite choice of beer (Ales tend to work really well)
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper.

Combine the batter mix together and stir in beer slowly, use a whisk, or a fork if you have to. You're looking for about a 1:1 ratio of beer to dry ingredients for this. A little thicker won't hurt a thing.

Bring up an inch of oil in your cast iron to temperature. Usually I cheat with a pyrometer from the toolbox that's usually used for checking temperatures on engines or whatnot, I just aim the dot at the oil, and when it's about 300-325 on the surface, it's plenty hot for frying.

Take each piece of bacon wrapped feta, and roll it in the batter. Allow excess to drip back in your bowl and then carefully drop the piece in the oil directly. Fry about 2 minutes or until it gets golden brown, then scoop it out onto paper towels or newspaper with a metal slotted spoon or 'spider basket'.


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